PE Builder v3 plugin

Ezboot Multiboot - Plugin

Ezboot Plugin- Download:
Easyboot- Download:

  1. Structure
    Mainmenu	cdmenup.ezb
           menu entry      		run command     	  	comment
    [1] Windows PE [by PE-Builder]	run bootsect.bin	  	included
    [2] Dos - CD, TCP/IP, Tools...	run BootImage.img	  	included maybe better to change
    [3] Recovery Console		run bootcmdc.bin	  	included use setcmdc.cmd see below
    [4] Acronis TI, DDS & Knoppix	run cdsubp.ezb		  	calls the submenu
    Submenu		cdsubp.ezb
           menu entry      		run command     	  	comment
    [1] Acronis True Image		bootinfotable;run ti.bif        bif not included to built see below
    [2] Acronis Disk Director Suite bootinfotable;run dds.bif       bif not included to built see below
    [3] Damn Small Linux - Knoppix	bootinfotable;run knoppix.bif 	bif not included to built see below
    [4] Return to Mainmenu		run cdmenup.ezb			calls the mainmenu
    "q" to quit		"r" to reboot
  1. Install
    Start the ezboot.part01.exe and extract the cab into the pebuilder plugin folder.
    Create the plugin\ezboot folder.
    Extract the into the pebuilder plugin\ezboot folder. Copy all bootloader bin, bootimage img and Isofiles in bif-format into the plugin\ezboot folder.
  2. Windows PE
    Ready to use.
  3. Dos - CD, TCP/IP, Tools...
    Included is an
    experimental version. It is better to use your own dos-cd:
    Put the boot-cd into the cd-drive.
    Use and start isobuster, click the Bootable CD folder and extract the bootimage.img file (1440 KB) with overwriting into the plugin\ezboot folder.
    Click the BootCD folder and extract BootCD with overwriting into the plugin\ezboot folder.
    If jo.sys (boot windows or boot cd?) is included into the bootimage.img use and start winimage, open bootimage.img and delete jo.sys.
    Excellence usage for this is the Hiren's boot-cd.
  4. Recovery Console
    Copy SETUPLDR.BIN from [setupcd]\i386 folder and
    BOOTSECT.BIN from [setupcd]\ folder into the
    plugin\ezboot\cmdc folder and run setcmdc.cmd.
    Setcmdc.cmd replace i386 with cmdc and create BOOTCMDC.BIN.
  5. Acronis True Image and Acronis Disk Director Suite
    Put the Acronis True Image-cd into the cd-drive.
    Use and start ultraiso
    Tools > Make CD/DVD Image > Output file name: ti.iso> Make > OK Return >
    Click local filename - list and press F5.
    Doubleclick to open ti.iso > Bootable > Save Boot File >
    Enter name: ti.bif > Save
    Move ti.bif
    into the plugin\ezboot folder.
    Put the Acronis Disk Director Suite-cd into the cd-drive and make the same steps but use dds.bif.
  6. Damn Small Linux - Knoppix
    Download the dsl-knoppix-iso (for instance dsl-0.8.3.iso ~50 MB)
    Open the iso with ultraiso.
    Bootable > Save Boot File >
    Enter name: knoppix.bif > Save it into the
    plugin\ezboot folder.
    Click the boot folder, rightclick and extract to the plugin\ezboot folder with content.
    Click the KNOPPIX folder, rightclick and extract to the plugin\ezboot folder with content.
  7. Built it
    Start pebuilder, make the pebuilder iso and burn the cd or dvd.

Created by Teletom

PE Builder Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Bart Lagerweij. All rights reserved.